

As a portrait photographer, I have a natural ability to make my subjects feel comfortable and at ease in front of the camera, allowing me to capture genuine and authentic expressions

Pay a deposit of 50%


Welcome to Sterling Batson’s Portrait Photography Services in Hawaii!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What Types of Portraits Do You Offer?
A: We offer a range of portrait services, including individual, model, family, maternity, newborn, senior portraits, professional headshots, and lifestyle/fashion portraits.

Q: Do you shoot on Film or Digital?
A: For portraits, I primarily shoot on film because I appreciate the unique qualities it brings, and it allows me to slow down and be more intentional in my approach.
Q: What are the differences between shooting on film and shooting digitally?
Digital Photography:
Pros of digital photography include faster capture, the ability to capture more images in a single session, a cost-effective approach due to the absence of film and development expenses, and an efficient workflow with immediate results.
Film Photography:
Pros – Nostalgic, deliberate pace, imparts a unique aesthetic, and encourages a thoughtful and deliberate approach due to the limited number of exposures per roll.

Q: Where do you mostly shoot?
A: I shoot outdoors in Kona, Hawaii, and at my studio in Hilo. I’m always up for an adventure and exploring new places.

Q: Can You Arrange Hair and Makeup Services?
A: Absolutely! We can coordinate hair and makeup services for your shoot at an additional cost.

Q: What Should I Wear for My Portrait Session?
A: Opt for comfortable, neutral-colored attire without prominent logos. Feel free to bring multiple outfit options for variety.

Q: How Many People Does Your Portrait Package Cover?
A: Our standard package covers one person. There is an additional fee of $75 for each additional person.

Q: What Happens After the Photo Session?
A: Within 10 days, you’ll receive a link to choose your favorite images from a proofing gallery. After your selection, we’ll professionally edit the chosen photos and send you high-resolution digital copies.

Q: Will I Have Rights to the Images?
A: Yes, you’ll have shared copyright, allowing you to use the images for personal purposes. We may also use the images for our promotional efforts.

Q:What is the Initial Payment?
A:This initial payment is half the total amount and serves to secure the photographer’s availability. It is not classified as a retainer or deposit. The photographer commits to refraining from advertising this reserved time slot to other prospective clients. In the event of a cancellation by the client, the initial payment is non-refundable. The remaining payment is due on the day of the shooting.

Additional information


Economical, Standard, Plus